Mentors are teachers, after school program leaders, youth group organizers, program coordinators, scout leaders, homeschool parents, college interns, and beyond. They can be adults or youth but must have the ability to convene, organize, and inspire.
We are always looking for new and different groups to partner with - if you're interested and want more information, please reach out!
Mentors support students by convening them (inside or outside of the classroom) to investigate a local environmental issue. In 2021 there were two "tracks" or ways to participate in the Summit, detailed below. We are exploring the idea of offering both tracks again in 2022 and will update this page later in the fall.
Track 1: Before the summit facilitate the exploration of a local issue and the development of a creative solution to the issue that your students can implement right here in the community. Have your students register for the summit and support them in submitting a proposal (a short video, a timeline, and a budget) by early March. During the summit your students will have the chance to interface with a relevant community leader or professional who will give feedback and practical tips for making their project come to life. During the awards ceremony, projects will be recognized and may be awarded implementation funds thanks to our generous sponsors. Ideally, after the summit you will support your students in implementing the project, though if you don't have the capacity to do this, YEAS may be able to provide technical assistance if you request it. ​
Track 2: Before the summit encourage your students to start thinking about local environmental issues that they care about. Have your students register for the summit so we know that they'll be attending and support them in attending relevant sessions - including a workshop session where students will be guided through the process of thinking about solutions and designing an action project. Mini-grants may be available upon request to support these action projects.
Each year we host a workshop for mentors. 2021/2022 workshop information is coming soon. If you're looking for professional development this summer around some of the issues that students are most interested in, check these virtual opportunities out:
> June 28-July 1 - Mid-Atlantic Climate Change Education Conference
> July 26-30 - Teachers on the Estuary (focus on climate change and human health)
> July 28-20 - Summer Institute for Climate Education (focused on climate change, human health, and environmental justice)
We're also more than happy to schedule a one-on-one call with you to go over details and answer your questions! Email us at elise.trelegan@noaa.gov or aurelio.giannitti@gmail.com.